Android App Development with Java SE
A beginner course on Android Application development.
Learn how to design and build Android apps and take your ideas to millions of people.
- Starting Date: 31st November, 2018
- Day: Sat - Mon - Wed
- Time: 6:00pm - 9.00pm
- Total Class: 24
- Course Fee: 15000/-tk ( Early Birds will get 15% Discount )
- Last Date of Registration: 26th November, 2018
- Offer: EarlyBird Registration Offer Going on Valid Until 20th September, 2018; 15% Discount
Course Contents
Understand the Android OS architecture.
Install and use appropriate tools for Android development, including IDE, device emulator, and profiling tools.
Use advanced UI widgets for scrolling, tabbing, and layout control.
Present menus via the Android action bar and handle menu selections.
Store application data on the mobile device, in internal or external storage locations.
Support user-specific preferences using the Android Preferences API.
Understand the Android application architecture, including the roles of the task stack, activities, and services.
Build user interfaces with fragments, views, form widgets, text input, lists, tables, and more.
Core Java Part
Training Contents:
Chapter 1. Course Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Course Overview
- Using the Workbook
- Suggested References
Chapter 2. Getting Started with Java
- What is Java?
- How to Get Java
- A First Java Program
- Compiling and Interpreting Applications
- The JSDK Directory Structure
Chapter 3. Language Fundamentals
- A Java Program
- If Statements
- Switch Statements
- Loop Statements
- Syntax Details
- Primitive Datatypes
- Variables
- Expressions in Java
- Strings
- Arrays
- Enhanced for Loop
Chapter 4. Classes and Objects in Java
- Classes & Objects
- OOP Principles
- Instantiation
- Encapsulation
- Specialization
- Instance Variables
- Class Variables
- Constructors
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Instance Methods
- Class Methods
- Method Overloading
- The this keyword
- Passing and returning objects
- Garbage Collection in Java
- Code Examples & Exercises
- StringBuilder and StringBuffer
- Methods and Messages
- toString
- Parameter Passing
- The Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes
Chapter 5: Object Design and Programming with Java
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Single Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- Associations
- Super Keyword
- Delegation
- Code Examples & Exercises
Chapter 6. Java Interfaces
- Purpose of Interfaces
- When to use them
- Interface Declaration
- Implementing an Interface
- Interface Inheritance
- Code Examples & Exercises
Chapter 7: Exception handling
- Types of Errors
- The Exception class
- Try-Catch
- Multiple catch
- Try-Finally
- Throws
- Throw
- Throwing our own exception
Chapter 8: Java Collections API
- Arrays
- The Java Collections Framework
- Collections Interfaces
- util.Collection
- util.List
- util.Map
- util.Set
- Concrete Collections
- util.ArrayList
- util.HashMap
- util.HashSet
- Iterating through Collections
- util.Iterator
- Code Examples & Exercises
Chapter 9. Java Input/Output API (Optional)
- Streams & Files
- Input & Output Streams
- File Streams
- Object Streams
- Readers & Writers
- Code Examples & Exercises
Android Part
Chapter 10. Basics of Android
- What is Android
- History and Version
- Installing softwares
- Setup Android Studio
- Hello Android example
- Internal Details
- Dalvik VM
- Software Stack
- Android Core Building Blocks
- Android Emulator
- xml
- java file
- Hide Title Bar
- Screen Orientation
Chapter 11. Activities
- Activity Lifecycle
- Calling Activities with Intents
- Passing Data
- Saving & Restoring State
- Orientation Changes
- Data Binding
Chapter 12. Fragments
- What are Fragments
- Declarative Creation
- Programmatic Creation
- Fragment Manager
- Fragment Callbacks
Chapter 13. UI Widgets
- Working with Button
- Toast
- Custom Toast
- Button
- Toggle Button
- Switch Button
- Image Button
- CheckBox
- AlertDialog
- Spinner
- DatePicker
- TimePicker
- ProgressBar
Chapter 14. Android Menu
- Option Menu
- Context Menu
- Popup Menu
Chapter 15. Layout Manager, Adaptor
- Relative Layout
- Linear Layout
- Table Layout
- Grid Layout
- Array Adaptor
- ArrayList Adaptor
- Base Adaptor
Advance Android
Chapter 16. SQLite Database
- What is SQLite?
- Why SQLite?
- SQLite Limitations
- DDL – Data Definition Language
- DML – Data Manipulation Language
- DQL – Data Query Language
Chapter 17. Material Design
- Tab Layout with View Pager
- About Material Design
- Coordination Layout
- Collapsing Toolbar Layout
- Material Icons
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- FAB (Floating Action Bar)
- Snackbar
- Navigatioin Drawer
Chapter 18. Network Communication, Library
- Retrofit HTTP Library
- JSON Parsing
- XMLPullParser
- Fresco, Picasso, UIL, Glide, and Volley Image Loader.
- Other Networking Libraries
Chapter 19. Social Login and PHP/MYSQL.
- Gmail
Chapter 20. Data Storage
- Shared Preferences
- Internal Storage
- External Storage
Chapter 21. Server side Program
- FireBase
- Integrating with cloud
- Data storage and retrival
- Push Notifications
- Firebase Analytics
Chapter 22. Content Provider
- Content Provider Fundamental
- Contact Content Provider
- Other Built-in Content Providers
- Creating Custom Content Provider
- Understanding Content URI
- ContentResolver
- Sharing Information from custom content provider
Chapter 23. Android Alert Notification
- Notification API
- Creating Notification Builder
- Setting Notification Properties
- Android Notification Examples
Chapter 24. Android Multimedia
- Playing Audio
- Creating Audio Player
- Playing Video
- Alarm Manager
- Gallery
Chapter 25. Android Telephony API
- Telephony Manager
- Get Call State
- Simple Caller Talker
- Making Phone Call
- Send SMS
- Send Email
Chapter 26. Advanced Components
- Services
- BroadcastReceiever
- AsyncTask
Chapter 27. Device Connectivity
- Bluetooth and WiFi
- Working with Camera
Chapter 28. Android Google Map
- Location, Geocoding API
- Current Places, Nearby Place API,
- Google Map, Drawing Polylines on google map
Chapter 29. Version Control System(VCS)
- Git
Chapter 30. Wireframes
- Balsamiq
- Wireframes cc
- Adobe Illustrator
Other Important Topic
- Admob Integration
- Google Play Store features
- Unit testing
- SCRUM tools
- Project Development
- Publishing App on Google play Store.
Others Courses
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- BITM Course “Professional Web Design & Development”
- Professional Web UX/UI Design
- Android App Development with Java SE
- Professional Webd Desing & Development Batch 03
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9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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30 | 31 |
What Our INstructor say
I've managed to stay with FitFlex 3 times a week, for over 6 months now, and I owe it all to the classes that make you fall in love with the process.
Md. Sharif Ullah Sarkar