Mastering Flutter for Mobile Apps Development
- Total Class: 25
- Total Hours: 50
- Monday & Wednesday
- 06:00pm - 08:00pm

Course Overview
Flutter is a powerful framework for mobile app development, offering a blend of performance, flexibility, and ease of use. Its ability to build beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single codebase makes it an attractive choice for developers and businesses looking to enter the mobile app market efficiently.
Flutter uses Dart programming language for both the UI and the project. XML or visual doesn’t need to create a user interface.
This training program has been jointly organized by BITM & U S Software Limited. Training will be held on U S Software Limited.
Course Details
Module-1: Introduction & Dart
- Variable
- Data Type
- Const
- Final
- If Else
- Switch Case
- Dart List
Module-2: Dart Programming
- Dart For Loop
- Dart For In Loop
- Dart While Loop
- Dart Functions, Types of functions in dart
- Dart Map
- Dart Map Key and Value
- Dart Method Overriding
- Real Example Method Overriding
- Dart Constructor Overriding
- Getter and Setter
- How can Get Data and Set Data with Getter and Setter
- Required and Optional Function
Module-3: Dart Programming
- Class
- Object
- Dart Instance
- Advantage and Uses of Inheritance
- Constructor
- Parameterized Constructor
- Inheritance
- Use of Inheritance
- Single,Multilevel,Multiple ,Hybrid Inheritance
Module-4: Dart OOPs
- Abstraction
- Interface
- Role of Abstraction in OOP
- Methods of Abstract Class
- Exception Handling
Module-5: Flutter Setup, Project Create
- Flutter Introduction
- Flutter Setup
- Create new project
- Scaffold Widget
- Material App
- App Bar
- Statefull and Stateless
- Container
- Card
- Sized Box
- Container Widget
- Center Widget
- Padding Widget
Module-6: Flutter Widgets
- List View, List Tile
- Circle Avatar, ClipRReact
- Ink Well
- Gesture detector
- Expanded Widget
- All Button,Splash Screen
- Deprecated Button Name and New Button
- Extra Advantage of Each Button
- Elevation of Card
- How can Create Visiting Card Use of Card Widget
Module-7: Flutter Widgets
- Bottom Navigation
- Custom Bottom Navigation
- Sliver App Bar
- Media Query and responsive UI
Module-8: Flutter Widgets
- Drawer
- Custom Drawer
- Date Time Picker
- Divider
- Dismissible
Module-9: Flutter Widgets
- Material Route, Constructor, Data passing with Constructor
Custom Font
Google Font
Stateful and Stateless
Difference between Stateful and Stateless
Role of Stateful and Stateless
What is set State
Image Picker
Take Image From Gallery and Camera,
Future Builder
Flutter Stack
Properties of Stack
Uses of Stack
Flutter Position Widget
Different Position of Position Widget
Async and await
Custom Font
Google Font
Stateful and Stateless
Difference between Stateful and Stateless
Role of Stateful and Stateless
What is set State
Image Picker
Take Image From Gallery and Camera,
Future Builder
Flutter Stack
Properties of Stack
Uses of Stack
Flutter Position Widget
Different Position of Position Widget
Async and await
Module-10: Flutter User Inputs and Animation
- Flutter Text Field
Flutter Form Field with Validation
Flutter Check box and Radio Buttons
Gesture Detector and Inkwell
Flutter Hero Animation
Flutter Implicit vs Explicit Animation
Flutter Staggered Animation
Flutter Form Field with Validation
Flutter Check box and Radio Buttons
Gesture Detector and Inkwell
Flutter Hero Animation
Flutter Implicit vs Explicit Animation
Flutter Staggered Animation
Module-11: Flutter List and GridView
- Model Class
Contact List with List View
Real Example of Grid View Widget
Contact List with List View
Real Example of Grid View Widget
Module-12: Flutter Page and Silver App Bar
- Tab bar
Page View, PageView.builder
Hero Animation
Shared preferenced
Git hub
Git hub Account Open
Advantage of Git Hub
Data Push in Git hub in Details
Alert Dialog
Bottom Sheet
http package and url launcher
Page View, PageView.builder
Hero Animation
Shared preferenced
Git hub
Git hub Account Open
Advantage of Git Hub
Data Push in Git hub in Details
Alert Dialog
Bottom Sheet
http package and url launcher
Module-13: UI Design
- BMI Calculator
Figma to UI Design
Figma to UI Design
Module-14: Database
- Database Concept
Mysql Database Create
Mysql Table Create,Rename,Alter
Mysql Insert Query
Mysql Update Query
Mysql Delete Query
Mysql Select Query
From Single and Multiple Tables.
Mysql Join,Where,Group by,Orderby etc.
Mysql Some Functions.
Hive Database
Data Insert From Flutter UI to Hive DB
Mysql Database Create
Mysql Table Create,Rename,Alter
Mysql Insert Query
Mysql Update Query
Mysql Delete Query
Mysql Select Query
From Single and Multiple Tables.
Mysql Join,Where,Group by,Orderby etc.
Mysql Some Functions.
Hive Database
Data Insert From Flutter UI to Hive DB
Module-15: Firebase
- Firebase Storage
Crud Operation
Push Notifications
Cloud Firestore with firebase
Crud Operation
Push Notifications
Cloud Firestore with firebase
Module-16: Firebase Project
- Blog App with Firebase
Module-17: API Integration
- What is API?
How is used Postman for API Integration
API Integration and HTTP Request Handling
Demo API Integration
How is used Postman for API Integration
API Integration and HTTP Request Handling
Demo API Integration
Module-18: Project
- E-Commerce app from Scratch/Others
News Paper App using API
Build and Prepare to Upload
News Paper App using API
Build and Prepare to Upload